Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lets Talk D.O.A. (Death of Auto Tune)

Ok so this wouldnt be a great blog if i didnt rant and rave on some issues, now everybody has heard D.O.A. from Jay-Z and its a good song not a Great song but anyways. Why would he want to kill auto tune or even want the death of it. Most of the dude he fucks with or raps in his circle use auto tune so that already sounds like the wrong move. Than how can u say its ok for T-Pain to use auto tune and nobody else? Hmmm. I mean it dosent bother me because i have never used auto tune but for all the people that do use it jay-z is basicly killing off the way they are eating and making there living so i wouldnt be suprised if cats try to diss him. If you call for the death of auto tune that calls for it to die in all generes and not just rap. Jay-Z if very influential in the music industry so lets just see how this pans out folks. I myself feel like it was a big publicity stunt, what about you? It may have been a good stunt but a stunt none the less.

1 comment:

  1. Rob Dyrdek of Rob and Big and Rob's Fantasy Factory speaks on Jay-Z and The Death of Auto Tune http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhS587VRc7iyG7Qo7Q
